Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Only in NYC

When I'm in a cab for a ride of more than just a few minutes, I often ask the driver where he is from.  I find it interesting to learn about new places this way.  Burkina Faso was one answer that had me studying the globe when I got home.

Imagine my delight when the last driver I'd asked, replied. "Bangladesh."

"I've just come back from Bangladesh!" I exclaimed.

 An engaging conversation ensued.  Remarking on how hot it had been, I explained:

  "I'm originally from Michigan, I am not accustomed to hot weather.  And, my heritage is northern European.  Finland.  So, I am hard-wired for colder climates"

He glanced in the rearview mirror to look at me.

 "Do you know the word, kiitos?"  He asked.

 "But, of course!  How is it that you know the Finnish word for thank you?" 

He'd had a Finnish customer a while back who had taught him.  We shared a good laugh at how unexpected that had been.

Soon, I was getting out of the cab.  I turned, smiled, and thanked him in Bengali.   "Dhanyabad!" 

He smiled right back...."Kiitos"      


  1. Only in New York and only you :) Great story!

  2. This is a great story! Intercultural communication at its best! I can't wait for the next installment.
